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Student Mental Health Forum

Wellbeing Service

The Wellbeing Service provides wellbeing and counselling to University of Salford students who are experiencing mental or emotional distress. This is a free and confidential service offered by the University to support students in their studies and to empower them to achieve their potential.


Wellbeing helps students to find ways of coping with the everyday stresses and strains of life.  Wellbeing Advisors are available throughout the week, for telephone, e-mail and one-to-one support at 50 minute pre-bookable appointments or 30 minute drop-in slots (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). The Wellbeing Adviser role is to listen, provide practical and personal support, advice and signposting.

The Service offers group sessions to support students with exam stress. We are developing group provision over the next academic year so we can offer additional support.


Counselling students who apply for, or who are referred for counselling, will first have a 20 minute one-to-one discussion to identify if the counselling service will meet their needs. At the point of referral for one of these counselling assessments the student is put on our waiting list for counselling. Once a student is referred for counselling they are offered up to 6 one-to-one sessions with one of our counsellors. Students may be able to access up to 6 counselling sessions each academic year.

We have strong links with and refer students as appropriate to the following services as well as to a number of other specialist providers:


Accessing the Wellbeing Service

Appointments can be booked by phone, by email or via any Student Life Advice Desk in the University.


Tel: 0161 295 7008

Email: wellbeing@salford.ac.uk



University House

University of Salford

Peel Park Campus

M5 4WT


The Wellbeing service is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.  Drop in runs 10.00am to 12.00pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.