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Student Mental Health Forum

Emergency Services

It is not common for students to need the highly specialised services described below, but we have given this information to complete the picture of available support for students with mental health difficulties.

In an emergency, a GP can ask for an urgent psychiatric review.  The arrangements will vary depending on the time of day and level of urgency, but it could involve the student seeing the psychiatrist on call at the A&E department, or sometimes the Mental Health Liaison Nurse who also works from the A&E department.

Usually this will lead to some immediate advice, and possibly medication with a follow up appointment, but if the problem is severe there are a few options they might suggest:

This service provides mental health and risk assessments for emergency patients presenting to A&E departments at MRI, North Manchester General Hospital, and Wythenshawe Hospital with mental health or self harm issues.

The team carry out in-depth mental health and risk assessments of all patients referred from A&E departments and refer them to the appropriate services with safe plans in place.

Accessing the Mental Health Liaison Service

Referrals can be made by the A&E department at MRI, North Manchester General Hospital or Wythenshawe Hospital.

If you are unable to accommpany the student but you have information which may be helpful in the assessment, you can contact the service on 0161 701 0313/0314.  Please note, this is not a crisis helpline.


The team offer interventions to individuals who are experiencing a first episode of psychosis; support includes medication management, health promotion, nutritional interventions and practical support to help people to access community resources.

Accessing the Early Intervention Team

You can self refer to this service.  Alternatively, referrals can be made by the A&E department at MRI, a GP, or other healthcare professional. 

For advice or to make a referal, you can contact: 0161 277 6830. Please note, this is not a crisis helpline.


This is a team who follow up urgent mental health problems in the community as an alternative to going into hospital.

Accessing the Crisis Team

Referrals can be made by the A&E department at MRI, by a GP, or by the University of Manchester Counselling Service.


Sometimes, if the problem is severe enough, the psychiatrist and Crisis Resolution Team may suggest the student goes into hospital for observation for a few days, and there is a unit in North Manchester called SAFIRE (Swift Assessment For the Immediate Resolution of Emergencies) that will admit people for a couple of days to do a detailed assessment and provide intensive support

The SAFIRE Unit provides support to individuals who are suffering from mental health crisis.  The aim of the eight bed unit is to provide an environment where further assessment can be carried out in order to find an alternative inpatient admission.

SAFIRE uses a predominantly nurse led approach to rapid and intensive assessment of a service user's mental health crisis and their identified support needs, liaising closely with mental health services, care coordinators and multi-disciplinary teams to develop and provide a high quality service.

Following assessment, service users are directed to the most appropriate service to meet their needs. This could mean admission to an inpatient ward, referral to Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams (CRHTs) or Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs). The primary aim of the SAFIRE Unit is to provide an alternative to inpatient care.

Accessing SAFIRE

Referrals can only be made by the A&E duty psychiatrist or the Crisis Resolution Team.  


The SAFE Team is a unique service for clients who self-harm, offering rapid assessment, outreach and brief Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy, at home if required.  It is a flexible service that attempts to attend to the varying needs of clients, and tries to create a safe space to explore and understand the issues relating to self-harm and the subsequent distress.  This includes establishing alternative ways of managing feelings and distress. 

Accessing the SAFE team

Referrals can be made by the A&E department at MRI, or by a GP if the student lives in Central Manchester or is registered with a Central Manchester GP, or other healthcare professional